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Showing posts from December, 2020

Merry Christmas!

 Hello and I hope you all had a good holiday!  We did our family pictures at home this year in front of our tree wearing matching Star Wars Pajamas! I've never done the matching pajama thing before in our family but I figured we have to do it when they are young enough not to protest! I think it turned out very nice!  Of course, it took us a while to get to that pictures. We moved some furniture and set up a bunch of lights so the kids were running around like wildebeests. Rosemary cried because she wanted to be the only one in the pictures, and Miles got really tired of posing really quickly. My dad was even helping out a bit trying to get everyone to smile and least we got one good picture, right?  This year has been difficult, but this Christmas has been loads of chaotic fun and joy! We've been very blessed and are enjoying our house full of toys, leftover ham, and lots of cookies. Merry Christmas!

Flower Child Triangles Baby Quilt for Emersyn

. Another of the many baby quilts for my little cousins! Little Emersyn is due to be born in the next few weeks, but this quilt was started long, long ago, actually. I bought the fabric and started working on it when I first got pregnant with Rosemary four years ago, but I was so nauseous that I had to put it aside for a bit...and when I came back to it, even though my first-trimester nausea had dissipated, looking at the fabric made my stomach turn all over again! I ended up buying more fabric and making two different quilts for Rosemary, so this half-finished quilt-top ended up in my "to do" pile for many years...until now! I still LOVE this gorgeous Art Gallery fabric (it is seriously so soft and smooth it's unbelievable). The pattern is just some simple equilateral triangles...I have no idea how I came up with it, it was a long time ago! I trimmed it up, added a border (more Art Gallery fabric), backed it in magenta minky, and then used my free-motion foot on my home ...

Construction Trucks "Bargello" Baby Quilt

  This quilt was made for my cousin's baby Nolan who is due any day now! I used the stash buster #4 pattern from Just Get it Done Quilts and some adorable Dear Stella Designs yardage. The back is light blue cuddle minky and the binding is white satin blanket binding. I tried a "bargello" style quilt before and I really disliked it, but this pattern was easy and came out much better! In fact, it was kinda hard to give this one away because I like it so much! (That happens a lot, but I do manage to give them away anyway.) I think this pattern works great with the directional fabric and I love how the dark digger fabric makes it look like the trucks are in a tunnel.  For the quilting I used a combo of straight line, wavy line, and free motion meandering on my home machine  following the lines on the fabric, which made a really cool effect on the back! 

NaNoWriMo Report!

 So, not only did I win, but this has been by far the most productive Nano I have ever done! I credit having kids in school and a baby who naps and not being pregnant and having the awesome support of my RWA chapter and...okay, if there is ONE silver lining to the crushing weight of the pandemic, it's that I had no karate, or mom's group, or playdates, or kids events to distract me from my daily writing goal.  My final word count for the month is 63897 words The most I wrote in one day was 3083 words ...and the fewest number of words I wrote in a day was 1700 ...which means I achieved my secondary goal of writing at least 1660 words EVERY day in November!  The month had it's ups and downs like usual, but I had far more "up" days than "down" days when it came to Nano! I actually got to 50,000 words on Nov. 23rd, and I "finished" by book (it is a very very rough first draft) on Nov. 28th!  And what's my story about? Well, it's Cinderella ...