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Showing posts from 2017

Half Hex Birdie Quilt

In the past year I've gotten really into making baby quilts! I got pregnant in August with my third baby and set to nesting in a crazy flurry of quilting! I made this quilt for my friend who was due with a little girl in January. I've always wanted to make a hexagon quilt, with the end goal of making a queen sized Settlers of Catan quilt. Unfortunately, my quilting skills weren't up to doing paper piecing or precision cutting or anything. I decided I needed to work my way up to more complicated projects before I tackle something like a queen hex quilt.  In the meantime, I saw a tutorial on youtube that used Lori Holt's Half-Hex ruler template  and I thought I'd give it a try. I had this adorable fabric from a fat-quarter bundle from Joann's Fabrics that reminded me of my friend (girly without being too much pink), and set to work!  I think that the front turned out really good! I used 55 half-hexes in the large size and added a border in green a...

(Catching Up) Shark Costume

             Jack is obsessed with sharks, in case you didn't know. He insisted on being a shark for Halloween, but unfortunately we could not find a shark costume at any of the three Halloween stores we went to. Cue mama to take out my dusty sewing machine and get to work! I used blue and white fleece, some black fabric paint for the eyes and gills, some stuffing for the fin, and a long zipper up the side to help him get it on and off. The pattern is of my own spur-of-the-moment design, inspired by  " Left Shark " of course, from that infamous Katy Perry Superbowl show.

(Catching Up) Dread Pirate Roberts Kids Costume

Gee, it's been a while huh? Well I'm going to go ahead and try to catch up a bit and post a few of the things we've done over the past few years in the upcoming weeks as I scrounge my hard drive for photos. Dread Pirate Roberts  This is from March of 2016, made for the Scarborough Fair in Central Texas. There's not a whole lot to it, but did draft this little pirate shirt from scratch by looking at one of Jack's 4T dress shirts! I've made so many of these renfair/pirate shirts by now that I could probably do it in my sleep. (Did I make an actual pattern for it? No. No I did not. Sorry!) The tiny version went together in just a few hours out of leftover grown-up fabric. It's a very nice black linen. The mask is some thick felt I had lying around, attached with bit of elastic and the bandana was a freebie from long long ago.The tie is some suede lacing that I bought a whole spool of after continuously running out of lacing.  John cut a quick bel...