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Showing posts from June, 2010


Jo hn, Gunnar and I all drove 10 hours to Kansas for a Heroic Interactive Theatre Event ! Interactive theatre is also known as LARPing, or Live Action Role Playing. John is a veteran over at Heroic, but Gunnar and I were total Newbs. Overall we had a really fun weekend. We even got to meet amazingly talented fantasy author Jim Butcher who had some pretty badass home-made armor himself. In fact, pretty much everyone over at the Central Chapter was fun to hang out with and dressed to kill--monsters, that is. John camped out in his hammock tent , while Gunnar and I shared our discounted REI tent in the sweltering summer heat. It was actually the first time I had ever been camping in a tent, and I loved it! I went as a wood elf, John was a bear-kin, and Gunnar was gnome. I have to admit that the rules were a little overwhelming and the other players being about a hundred levels above me made it a little overwhelming at times. I'm definitely up for trying it again, but not real...


Pokemon Cosplayers abounded at A-Kon 21 in Dallas, Texas. :) Including me and John!! We saw this cute Officer Jenny and couldn't resist posing. John went as Gold and I went as Leaf Green! On Friday I wore a little bit different outfit under all my LG props, because it's kinda gross to wear the same outfit three days in a row. I made the skirt myself just for every day wear, but I thought it looked like something that Green would really wear. Also check out our amazing pokeball pins. We had the idea that we should each have six for our team and carry them on our bags like real pokemon trainers, of course. We got them from the great dudes at the Sanshee booth--they rock! By the end of the con everyone was wearing between six and twenty of those pins. Embercostumes is a trendsetter, what what! I volunteered at the info desk, which was seriously the best staff EVER. I got to sit down, snack, people watch, and answer easy questions for four hours at a time. On Saturday m...