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Showing posts from December, 2022

Roundabout Christmas Quilt

I've wanted to make a Christmas Quilt to hang up for a while now but wasn't inspired by any of the Christmas fabric I saw. I also have wanted to make a big rainbow roundabout quilt but was too intimidated by the pattern to do that.  Then I saw this Lewis and Irene "Noel" Fabric and decided to make a "practice" roundabout quilt for Christmas!  The little triangles are VERY DIFFICULT but I managed to make it work. The points aren't nearly as nice as I usually like, but the tutorial I was following said not to worry about it and...I agree that cutting off some points isn't a big deal on this quilt. When you stand back and see the hidden circles, none of those tiny points really matter!  I was worried that the circles wouldn't be obvious enough because my background fabric was too busy, so when I quilted it I meandered ONLY on the background and it really helped to make the colored bits and therefore the circles, pop out!  I quilted it on my home ma...

Rosemary's design Doll Outfit!

This was a doll dress design team-up! I drew a picture of Rosemary's doll Violet and she drew and colored an outfit that she wanted for her, and then I went to my sewing room and made it a reality!  It was a fun little challenge and she loves it!   

Dr. Strange!

Oh How I have Neglected Blogging.... So I will just post finished photos of a bunch of projects so I can keep track of what I have been doing!  In October I made a Dr. Strange Costume for Gunnar!  If we go to Dragon Con or something in the future I will remake the cape with more screen-accurate pattern and materials--which will be very expensive lol. I would also love to remake the pleather belt out of real leather eventually!  John 3-D printed the sling ring and they eye, and wired it with a glowing green LED. I painted it!  The arm bands are lace-up so he can get them on and off himself.  Overall I'm really proud of this and I think Gunnar makes a great (and very good-looking) Dr. Strange!