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Showing posts from 2013

Texas Renfair 2013

This year Gunnar and I went to the Renfair as a date, after leaving the kiddo with his grandparents for the day.  Gunnar wore a mishmash of old costume bits that were lying around my parent's house including the first (terrible!) undershirt I ever made many years ago and John's gray wool tabard. My costume came together nicely for being 24 weeks pregnant, considering that it wasn't intended to be worn while pregnant! The top is a crossover reversible bodice in dark purple faux suede, only half-laced up, and then I pulled the matching skirt up to create an empire waist over the gaping top and bulging bump. The underdress is the same one I wore under my fairy outfit a in 2011, the hat I bought last year at the fair, and the boots were a wonderful estate sale find! It was a wonderful relaxing day with gorgeous Texas winter weather. I didn't even need to wear the hooded cloak I made and brought just-in-case. More on that later!

Gandalf and Bilbo

Despite a rough week, I managed to make Gandalf and Bilbo costumes for Gunnar and Jack! G is a huge LOTR fan and is currently reading through all of the histories, so when I offered to make him a Gandalf costume, he was ecstatic.  For Bilbo, since the outfit was so small, I used scraps from previous costumes to make an undershirt, vest, and cape. I drafted my own patterns based on some of Jack's T2 sized church clothes. The ears are earmuff-style stuffed ears made from felt and attached to a headband and the feet are costume hair just stuck onto Jack's feet with spirit gum. (He thought that they were bugs at first and was wigged out, but we managed to convince him that they were "like fuzzy socks.") For Gandalf I dyed my stash of estate-sale $1 sheets gray and then threw together a robe (gathered at the front and back for volume) and mantle, then used the scraps to cover a cheapo black witch hat in a patchworky style. A costume...

Goodbye Ember

My dear cat Ember, for whom this website is named, passed away last week from Kidney Failure at 13 and a half years old. Ember and lived together for half my life. She was a sassy, sweet, and very smart cat and I already miss her very very much. She had been sick for a while, but there is never an easy way to say goodbye. Rest in Peace girl. See you on the other side someday.

NERF Painting Rampage

John here, I've been on a kick getting ready for our Borderlands 2 group coming up this Akon. So here's the load out of gun's I've painted so far: Bandit - Shotgun. Made from a Retaliator with a custom pumping mechanism. Jakobs - Sniper Rifle. Started with an Alpha Trooper, with a Longshot scope, Retaliator stock, and Spectre silencer. Maliwan Revolver. From a Strongarm Jakobs Revolver, from a Strongarm. Torgue Revolver, again Strongarm. Tediore Pistol, made out of a Retaliator. Veruc - Assault Rifle. (Dahl manufacturer). Alpha trooper body, Recon stock, Retaliator foregrip epoxied on. Dahl SMG. Made out of Rayven. Definitely the most time consuming to paint. I'm still updating the NERF painting tutorial as I learn more, expect progress pictures now that I've refined the process a bit.