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Toddler Sunday Dress - The Practice Version

This past weekend I went looking for some more fabric to make hexes for my quilt that would actually match better, and I had NO LUCK. Instead, I spent too much money on some absolutely beautiful fabric to make a dress for Rosemary. Then, because the fabric was so beautiful and expensive, I thought I should make a mock-up first so I don't mess it up. But I am lazy and I hate making mock-ups, so I decided to make a practice dress instead! Everything in this project came from my stash; some fabric I had from Joann's a fat quarter I nicked from one of my fat quarter bundles, and tulle leftover from who knows what, buttons from my tupperware full of buttons from estate sales, and lining from random scraps in my closet. Yay me! Even the clip and felt I used to make the matching bow were from my drawer of random junk. 

And it turned out WONDERUFL! If I do say so myself, it doesn't actually look home-made at all. I didn't use a pattern, just drafted a little something based on one of her 2T sized shirts and her measurements. It's a super simple classic little girls' silhouette and the kind of dress that I buy for her from the store all the time because I love it. She loves it too and she can wear it to church on Sunday! 

Having a cute model also helps make the dress look good! 
