In the year 2019...
I read 33 books
I finished 4 quilts
I made 46 blog posts
I earned my red II belt!
And I had a baby! He's 7 months old now!
And much, much more! I made costumes and doll clothes, I cared for increased workload of kids full time, I went to Padre Island and Lake Buchanan, I helped out at my church's MOM's group, I laughed and cried and yelled and sweated..
It wasn't all good. I said goodbye to a very dear friend who has moved on in her life to new things. My father-in-law who has Alzheimer's is sadly not doing well. He is in a nursing home but does not know any of his children or grandchildren anymore. Jack broke his arm, we all got a pneumonia-like respiratory infection that lasted ages. My c-section recovery was long and very difficult.
I didn't meet all my goals either...or rather, I re organized my priorities. I put my in-progress novels on the back burner and stopped going to my writing group. I also neglected my Catan Quilt...partly due to other projects, partly because of some really bad carpal tunnel that's been bothering me since just before Miles was born.
Overall though, I had a great 2019!
Love from the whole clan!
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