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Little House on the Prairie Doll Dress

 Another historical doll outfit! This dress was made with the Thimbles and Acorns pattern "Laura and Mary." Which is based on a photo of Laura and Mary Ingalls taken in 1880.

I made this riiight before Miles was born, a small project to lift my lumbering spirits! I had a little trouble with the cuffs--entirely the fault of my brain, not the pattern--and I had to try three times to get them right, but otherwise it was a very easy, straightforward project. The fabric is just a cotton quilting cotton from my stash and the cute button is from my big bucket of estate-sale buttons.

I've read the Little House books countless times through my life and always loved them. In fact, they were what got me interested in sewing to begin with when I was a little girl! My first ever sewing project was a bonnet for one of my dolls, followed by a bonnet for me! I had blue dress that reminded me of the one in the picture on the cover of "On the Banks of Plum Creek (my favorite Little House book) and I wore it at every opportunity with my homemade pink bonnet!
