On Friday I wore a little bit different outfit under all my LG props, because it's kinda gross to wear the same outfit three days in a row. I made the skirt myself just for every day wear, but I thought it looked like something that Green would really wear.
Also check out our amazing pokeball pins. We had the idea that we should each have six for our team and carry them on our bags like real pokemon trainers, of course. We got them from the great dudes at the Sanshee booth--they rock! By the end of the con everyone was wearing between six and twenty of those pins. Embercostumes is a trendsetter, what what!
I volunteered at the info desk, which was seriously the best staff EVER. I got to sit down, snack, people watch, and answer easy questions for four hours at a time. On Saturday morning I had to be there at 8 a.m. so I chugged a huge cup of Tazo "Stay Awake" tea...oh my lord. I haven't had that much caffeine since my last college-Nanowrimo. I was WIRED, talking about a mile a minute, and immensely cheerful. My manic smile was literally causing nerd boys everywhere to do holy-cow-is-she-interested-in-me double takes, and there was even one very awkward poor dude who propositioned me. I wasn't sure if he had a legitimate question about where the video staff crash space was, (I was infodesk!!) but I told him several times that "I'm staying in a hotel room with my friends tonight" twice and then finally "I'm married!" once I figured out what he was mumbling about. Gah.
The Staff Head for infodesk was really cool too, a mechanical engineer from Scotland! He bought all his workers pizza on Saturday and was really organized. He also know everything about everything at the con! A lot of times other staffs would come to us and he'd answer their questions too. It was great.
It honestwas one of the most fun cons I've been to, but mostly because I was well prepared and actually had a reasonable budget. I am now an expert veteran congoer!! I just wish that more of my friends had been able to come...but alas, being a grown up has it's downsides...
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